Report Abuse - 149391

Re: Re: Re: Re: Securing Rental thru Interval and re-Renting

[Q=hirokazuf] OK. I put aside covid-related issue. I am a MVC KOBC owner. If I can exchange my unit I deposited (originally, MVC KOBC unit) in II to MVC KOBC, am I able to rent this out in Redweek? [/Q] I'm not sure that I clearly understand your question, but I'll answer it based upon what I [i]think[/i] you are asking... Under the terms and conditions of Interval International (and / or RCI) membership, you can [b]ONLY[/b] rent out a unit / week that [b]YOU ACTUALLY OWN[/b]. Any week that you obtain from II (or from RCI) as an "exchange", even if the week obtained by exchange happens to be at a resort where you own a (different) unit / week, is simply not yours to rent out (unless, of course, you are somehow able to exchange back into the very same unit / week that you actually [b]OWN[/b]). If your question is "Can I [b]get away with[/b] renting out a week that I don't actually own but obtained from II by exchange?" the answer is maybe --- if you choose to risk the potential consequences already mentioned previously in this thread. If your question is "Am I [b]allowed[/b] to do this under the terms & conditions of II membership?", the answer is plainly no.