Report Abuse - 149298

Re: Re: Securing Rental thru Interval and re-Renting

[Q=hirokazuf] Actually, I am a MVC owner and was [b]forced[/b] to deposit my unit in II, due to COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. This might be special treatment of COVID from Marriott. If I rent this MVC unit back from II, can I rent this out in Redweek? I believe Marriott should recognize and treat my unit I exchange like that as the owner one.[/Q] Not sure what you mean saying you were "[b]forced[/b]" to deposit your unit in II, but... In any case, the bottom line is that you can only rent out weeks that you OWN. Covid-related disruptions aside, if you deposited a week that you own to II, I don't see how you can "get it back" from II; you already relinquished it as a "deposit". Someone may very well have already claimed that deposited unit / week from II as an "exchange" since then. Maybe I'm missing something here, but I can only really wish you good luck with whatever it is that you are seeking to accomplish.