Report Abuse - 144506


I don’t know Wayne Robinson from Adam’s cat, but his claims that he was “banned” from both RedWeek and Timeshare Users Group (TUG) is simply not accurate. Both sites clearly prohibit any form of advertising or commercial self-promotion in their discussion forums; Robinson's (prohibited) self-promoting content was merely removed from their discussion forums --- which is [b]entirely[/b] different from being "banned". Robinson has also overtly stated that TUG [b]and[/b] RedWeek “represent resort developers”. That is a truly bizarre and incomprehensible statement and nothing could be further from the truth. Brian Rogers, owner and administrator of the TUG site, openly stated just yesterday on TUG that he has never even heard of Wayne Robinson and has certainly not “banned” him from TUG (a site which most certainly does [b]NOT[/b] in ANY way “represent resort developers” --- it never has and it never will). On the contrary, TUG is probably the best site on earth for obtaining [b]information which helps to PROTECT consumers from assorted underhanded and sleazy practices (and the truly obscene sales pricing) of the lying, deceitful sales weasels of various timeshare resort developers[/b]. Mr. Robinson may be helpful in some way to some people; I wouldn't know. If so, that's great. However, his above clearly identified (and patently false) claims and disparaging (perhaps even libelous) remarks about TUG and RedWeek, made while marketing and promoting his book, are just entirely untruthful and factually inaccurate.