Report Abuse - 141893

Re: Palace Elite

we just came back from a vacation from Cancun where we ran into this as well. Our problem was with their Service at the hotel in general and also with the lack of communication from the palace elite team but I did a quick research and found that this contract (in fact most/any contract) is covered under the Mexican consumer protection law which gives us 5 days to cancel the contract for any reason. I had run into the same issue no proper communication from anyone when trying to cancel, giving us a run around from person to person so I finally decided to go the place where I signed the contract and asked them to cancel it. As someone mentioned above they kept saying it cannot be cancelled as it was a promotional offer and were being very rude. I asked them to send an email to me mentioning the same that "This contract is not covered under Mexican federal consumer protection law so they cannot cancel it". I started recording videos about my conversation and people started walking away and not talk to me at all because whatever they were saying was a lie. i was able to get some part of my conversation but not all. They tried to give me various deals by decreasing the price and by giving more free weeks but I did not budge in. FINALLY after 3-4 discussion, they cancelled it. I wish someone big enough could file a lawsuit against them. They should at least start to include the right to cancel in their agreement like most of the mortgage loans do.