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[Q=carolm683] I have Casa Dorada at Medano Beach, what time share did you have. I have been successful renting out my weeks but every year the M. fees keep going up so I need to raise my listing. We do enjoy going there but we rather cruise instead. I wanted a way that I could get at least some of my money back, I paid it off when I purchased it almost 20 years ago. Thanks for taking the time to reply to the post.[/Q] Hello Carol. I purchased timeshare at The Mayan Palace, beautiful Gold Crown, 5 Star properties. I obtained a 1-bedroom with kitchenette in 1996, then a studio unit in 1998. I was able to get the price reduced from $ 19,000 USD to $9,500 USD for the 1-bedroom. The purchase of the studio is almost comical. The sales guy, then of course the manager, wanted $ 20,000. I kept saying "not interested at that price" until he finally said "well, what are you willing to pay"? I said $ 5,000. He laughed, said that was ridiculous, BUT, I'll have a look at our system. Damned if he didn't call my bluff. Found "an older lady from Pasadena (he really did say Pasadena), who wanted to unload her studio unit. So...I went for it. In the beginning everything was fine. I had floating weeks, so I always booked Spring Break for the family. In retrospect I wish I'd have locked in a fixed week, because even if I waited until Jan. to book Mar. I could always get the resort I wanted (they have about 5 or 6 in Mexico). Things changed about 2004 or 2005. I couldn't get the week or weeks I wanted even if I tried booking in Sept. of the previous year. I too was advertising online and was having success for a while, then nothing. Fortunately a Mexican family living in Los Angeles wanted to go to The Mayan Palace in either July or August, depending on their situation. But those doggone Maint. Fees kept going up, up, up. So, a decision had to be made. I'll have to eat that $ 14,500 which was fully paid up. At that point I didn't care. Lesson learned. Just write it off. Got a lawyer to send them my reasons for wanting out, on his letterhead. That worked like a charm They called me as soon as they got the letter. So sorry sir. We'll send a PDF file for you to print off, sign and send back to us. That's it in a nutshell. Loved the properties, but if you can't get a room or rooms when you want, what good are they? And those @#$% Maint. Fees! (am I repeating myself)? We went to Nuevo Vallarta for our last Mayan vacation in 2004. I was told my 2 units were now selling for between $ 50,000 & $ 60,000. What a racket! Have a nice future.