Report Abuse - 112204

The Manhattan Club Lawsuit - RedWeek's Report & Most Recent Info

I have continually paid my dues and am up-to-date. I’ve had several bad experiences. Six years ago my mother died unexpectedly and they would not let me move my reservation to a later date as I must use my four days my mid-August, I don’t remember the exact date but I just wanted to move my reservation to the following month, so I had to lose the day. You know they must have booked it to get paid twice. Just now, I asked if I could move my date from August to November 21 as I have a wedding in Howard Beach, Queens, where I am originally from and Covid is prevalent in NY. They told me NO but offered some kind of deal with RCI that will cost additional money. I am so angry. I hope these lawyers can tear them apart. Thanks for listening. Best, Susan Faeth