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Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

hello Karl h63, i joined attny zimmerman's lawsuit and have had communication with him. i too am not satisfied with the frequency of contacts. (keep in mind that is an extremely traumatic period in our lifetime!) on the other hand, life goes on. i suggest considering communicating your comments made here directly with jean-marc zimmerman (and not on redweek). he is certainly not unreasonable and perhaps needs some prodding to give you some of the results you seek from your association with his legal organization. just indicate here that you connected with him, but give no details here of the contents of your contact with him. TMC constantly monitors for more legal ammunition to use against us. [Q=karlh63] We joined the Zimmerman lawsuit over a year and half ago. During that time we have not received a single direct communication from Zimmerman. Very disappointing. We have a decision to make: do we pay the Manhattan Club annual fees that are due soon, or do we give up on Zimmerman and stop paying our annual maintenance fees? Any suggestions? We want to fight TMC, but in this vacuum of communication from Zimmerman we are wondering why bother. Why not, instead, take the proven way out and stop paying our fees and wait for TMC to buy us out at $100. Every year we wait it’s another $3,000 in fees. At some point these fees will far surpass what we ever hope to recover from a lawsuit. By pulling the plug on paying further TMC fees we have the prospect of not being bled dry over the years waiting for Zimmerman. Zimmerman - are you listening. Can you communicate with us? Why should we care?[/Q]