Report Abuse - 102983

Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

hello again, fellow owners: thanks for the responses to what i consider to be your support for my request (for a reservation time extension) to TMC during this time of coronavirus pandemic life and death issue. TMC's response to my reasonable request for a reservation time extension will show, in part, the essence and extent of what their hopefully humane and customer-centered attitude is. this extension of time should be offered to all owners that fall within a similar timeframe as mine. we don't need spins on why TMC should not honor my request and extending it to others in similar situations. spinning is for skaters and gymnasts, not for people facing potentially life-threatening circumstances. the reservation extension time should, as coronavirus circumstances prevail, be extended, as appropriate, even beyond the time i requested. my plea (request) should not fall on deaf ears and should be honored in a positive manner, as TMC has always said, to provide owners with pleasurable and customer-centered accommodations. pandemic issues are central to accommodate all involved. if new york governance assistance is required to satisfy my reasonable request, that will be considered. TMC, step up to the plate with humanity and goodwill.