Report Abuse - 102042

Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

happy belated holiday greetings to all observers, and goodwill to others with alternative beliefs. with the holidays over, but the coronavirus still attacking us, we are all entitled to stress relief: a time to sit back, take a deep breath and release some of the unhealthy fumes. on the other hand, rest assured that our dreaded foes at TMC are working hard to defeat and continue to defraud us, even during this stressful time for us all. that said, we shouldn't allow them another foot in the door of legal retribution for us owners. our legal efforts are certainly secondary to defeating the coronavirus pandemic, to be sure! however, the reality is that of both problem issues continue to exist. (an owner source said that TMC is thinking about amending reservation regulations, even though these owners had issues preventing them from using their paid-for reservation time which was affected by the coronavirus. does the adage, "have a heart." have any meaning?) ladies and gentlemen, i am suggesting that we not let our guards down during these ultra-stressful times. yes, many of us have much more important and health-related concerns to contend with. however, those of us who are more fortunate and perhaps less stressed, can possibly take up the slack and continue to work toward legal victory for ourselves and for our less fortunate owner brothers and sisters. we can't let TMC continue to haunt us and cause additional stress and trauma in our lives as TMC owners. stay healthy and well.