Report Abuse - 101468

Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

Hi Gary P., I certainly respect your desire to see this thru, even if it means spending thousands of dollars more to get there. Not everyone has thousands of dollars to see it thru like yourself and others. My point is that everyone needs to decide for themselves what is best for them and their own situation. If that works for you, that is great! But the line " give in to their demands is not the way I play" is a bit over the top. Manhattan Club did not "demand" that I take the buy-back and receive the $100., I chose to accept that with my own free will to avoid having to come up with any more maintenance fees. I, of course hope that Zimmerman is able to deliver and the courts will have a favorable determination for all of you that have so painfully hung in there for all this time that has passed and more time in waiting longer. You all deserve a positive outcome. I'm not as sure as yourself that is going to happen, especially if you think you are going to get your investment back. I've always enjoyed the Manhattan Club and continue to stay there, but with my RCI points, at a fraction of the cost of what my maintenance fees were. It just makes more sense for me. Why keep my membership and pay $3300. for a week, when it costs me about $1000. a week by using my RCI points- at a cost per point basis. Once again, best of luck to everyone that has been shafted by M/C and are willing to see it thru.