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Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

Hi Cliff, I realize that everyone has a different story to tell but to be raked over the coals, be taken advantage of and then give in to their demands is not the way I play. I’m furious with MC to the point that I will go thousands in back payments to see this thru. It’s become more principal to me now. I guarantee every $100 they send out to owners puts a damn smile on their faces as they are probably thinking that they hooked another sucker and I will not be a just another notch on their belt!! [Q=cliff20] Hello August, I admit that TMC lied, misrepresented themselves and are a bunch of thieves. But, the $100. buy-back (gift back ) is real. I completed my buy-back from the MC about 8 months ago and did receive the $100. I was 2-3 years behind on my maintenance fees and that was all forgiven as part of the buy back. In fact, it is my contention that if you continue to pay all your maintenance fees, MC doesn't have an urgency to do a buy back with you, but will instead want to place you on a wait-list for that. They really don't want to rid themselves of members that are paying in full, that is income for them. But, the dead-beat accounts, if you will, are more than likely to be approached. I also completed two other buy-backs with M/C about 5-6 years prior, after being on a wait list for years. I purchased my first M/C timeshare in 1996 and two others down the road. As M/F skyrocketed to nearly $10,000. per year for the three of them, I started to look at different exit strategies. It took awhile, but once the last one was completed, I feel like the noose was removed from my neck. I admit, this may not be best for everyone, but I do think it was best for me and my situation. It feels like a new lease on life. I still wish the best for those that are hanging in there and surely hope that someday they will reap the possible benefits of the lawsuit. I just couldn't wait and cut my losses along the way. I hope that helps.[/Q]