January is our highest booking month of the year, and many of the bookings that flood in over the New Year’s holiday are spring break vacations. But just how far in advance are people booking? We take a look at when people are booking, where they are going, and when the most common spring break weeks occur.
This next year has all the markings of being our highest booking year yet. Looking ahead to spring 2022, we have nearly 3x as many spring break bookings as we did in 2019 (which was our highest booking year to date) and 5x as many bookings as we saw in 2021. So far, most of our bookings are early in the year, with a favor already beginning to show for spring vacations.
How Far in Advance Are People Booking?
In the month of December alone, 23% of bookings have been made for weeks in January, 26% for February, 25% for March, and just 10% for April. Most people seem to book somewhere between 30-60 days in advance of their trip.
Although, it is worth noting that we begin to see a spike in spring break bookings as early as November. So, though there is still plenty of time to get your weeks posted before spring, there is no harm in posting it before the holiday season even begins.
Where Are People Going for Spring Break?
It’s no surprise that our most popular spring break destinations are warm weather beaches, since everybody is anxious to thaw out after a long, cold winter. The most popular by far are Hawaii, Aruba, and Florida, with California, Arizona, and Utah trailing behind the more exotic locations. See the chart below for a breakdown of which destinations are currently most booked for spring break 2022:

When Are the Most Common Spring Break Weeks?
Depending on which area you reside in, spring breaks are scheduled anywhere from late February to late April. Canadian schools have been known to schedule breaks as early as February 16th, but most United States schools break during late March or early April.
Generally, most schools typically schedule a 1-week break during March or April, with the national peak during the final 2 weeks of March.
For college students, find out when spring break is scheduled via StudentCity.com. Even if your family is lucky enough to not have a scheduled spring break to plan around, it can be helpful to know when these popular travel times are so that you might plan around them to avoid excess crowds.
Before booking with us, please be sure to review cancellation policies for your resort. Don’t forget to check current travel guidelines for both your destination and home country before traveling, and visit CDC.gov to learn more about current international travel recommendations and resources.
If you’re ready to rent out your spring break week, post your timeshare here.
Ready to start planning? Book your spring break vacation today!